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It's been long since i thought of writing about tips, tricks, solutions and news that i come across while using Linux.

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Monday, June 11, 2012

Apple: Applauses and Cheers on demand! WWDC 2012 was a software tech failure!

That's what i realized happening today in the Apple's WWDC 2012! iPeople cheering and applauding for stuff that they are around since ages!

Apart from the uber-high-resolution 'retina' as they call it display, there was nothing new to see. Apple Maps is an interesting approach and hopefully will be  good enough in order to push google into inventing even more superior map functions.

UPDATE 19/6:
The actual screen resolution is by default downscaled to 1400x900. You can adjust the display resolution up to 1920x1080 but you can't get the claimed 2800x1880 to display (pixel to pixel). This is similar to something like interpolation of early cheap-py digital cameras that were using software (pixel doubling, tripling etc) to get an advertised 9+ Megapixel pictures, by using a 3 Megapixel sensor.

The moment where the "world's most advanced mobile operating system" shined and showed the crowd that Apple invents (and others just copy) was when they were showcasing the "do not disturb" feature: 

"You can also reject a phone call and have your phone automatically respond with a message to the caller"   <--- This should be a hilarious joke! but instead - people got amazed! Amazing Technology! A bit ancient for the rest of us, since we had it for years... but Apple was the first to do it right! as they always claim.

The whole conference was like this! People cheering for USB3 (has been around for a year), cheering for ivy bridge (it's been on non-apple laptops for a couple of months) and last but not least: DICTATION! The uber FAILURE of all times! Microsoft had it for at least a decade! BUT! Most of the times, you say something and computer understands something different - and you just drop using it after 10 minutes of trying - it simply BRAKES YOUR NERVES when it does not get it straight-thru!

I believe that precision in dictation will suffer for many more years since even a single word is pronounced like a billion ways with a gazillion voicetones & voicespeeds. The best voice recognition algorithms were implemented by Google, hands down - it get's to the most accurate levels - but still - it's not for using it prime-time unless if you can't use your fingers to directly issue a command - for example - while driving - hopping that you won't have to repeat what you said.

As with SIRI case - Apple's approach is to get the people (the iPeople type of guys) go like: "you can now talk to your laptop instead of typing or using the mouse, as you do with your iphone". I bet this 'joke' is going to be everywhere in the newspapers tomorrow. I wonder how many of the iphone4s users use siri after the second week?
"you can now share Web pages, locations, photos and more to Facebook from virtually anywhere in the OS" <--- this was happening in Android since ages - but they didn't thought of issuing a worldwide conference to tout it! You see, it wasn't considered as special feature since all applications share their data to almost everywhere. Note that you are still NOT ABLE to share your iphone pictures yet - can't be attached to emails neither can be send with bluetooth :)

Closing, i am pasting what a reader said in the link below: "I can't wait for Apple to sue Google for "copying" it's turn-by-turn navigation system. It'll bring me a good laugh."

That's Apple - the company that sells Rotten Apples for the price of Gold !

 See what other features are missing from iPhone compared to other phones:

My Sources:

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